Seasonal Special Issue

Find Your Creative Magic Challenge

Each quarter this year, I’ve published a 5-day (or 5-way) challenge with reflective questions and exercises designed to spur you to seek for and discover your own creative sparks. After nearly a year of this newsletter, we’ve circled the seasons, and so for now, this is the last Find Your Creative Magic challenge. Click the button above to check it out!

I developed the first challenge last fall as a freebie to attract new subscribers, and I continue to share the most recent versions with anyone who signs on to or receives the What Magic? newsletter. In that spirit, please pass this issue along to anyone in your life that might appreciate an occasional reminder to pay attention, to embrace creativity or to look for magic in the everyday.

Thank you for reading What Magic? . This post is public so feel free to share it.


And don’t forget to try the challenges for yourself. This issue looks for creative magic in the classical elements - earth, air, water, and fire. After you’ve had a chance to explore a bit, I’d love to hear about what folks find - you can share in the comments, or at

May you find a little bit of magic in your days!

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