It's interesting to read this--I think people just enjoy different things--and have many moods. 😂 I enjoy noticing--but sometimes what I'm enjoying noticing is the action itself (which you miss if you are looking at other things). So, interesting to consider the topic!
I did have a thought halfway through drafting that maybe people can be noticing things internally or with different senses rather than externally or visually-observing tone of voice or smells, or chatter (possibly mine) while not noticing what’s external-and yes, that’s perfectly fine. And noticing is certainly not a checklist expectation. I think it’s more of a stance-are you spending g time in the here and now and paying attention when you do? That’s worth practicing 😊
It's interesting to read this--I think people just enjoy different things--and have many moods. 😂 I enjoy noticing--but sometimes what I'm enjoying noticing is the action itself (which you miss if you are looking at other things). So, interesting to consider the topic!
I did have a thought halfway through drafting that maybe people can be noticing things internally or with different senses rather than externally or visually-observing tone of voice or smells, or chatter (possibly mine) while not noticing what’s external-and yes, that’s perfectly fine. And noticing is certainly not a checklist expectation. I think it’s more of a stance-are you spending g time in the here and now and paying attention when you do? That’s worth practicing 😊
Great writing, thank you.
This landed just right this morning, Stephanie ❤️
Thank you! Well-written and thoughtful
Thanks Shira! Hope you have a day of Noticing along the way :)!
Great article, Stephanie! And thanks for the reminder to notice and enjoy the journey.
That's what it's about, right!? Especially creatively. Happy creating today!
I’ll have to look for that book!